“Why I Wake Up at 4 A.M. Every Day” makes us sick
Enterprise is barely a year and a half old, so as you might expect, we enjoy reading stories about other startups. But there’s one subtype that makes us physically ill: The “I Sleep Only Two Hours A Night And Love It” meme. The latest installment to hit our RSS feed: “Why I Wake Up at 4 A.M. Every Day,” which actually made the cut into the print edition of Inc magazine. We get out of bed at 2:35am five days a week — or work the night shift (we still debate ourselves which is worse) — because that’s what it takes to deliver by 6:05am. Not because “Starting early communicates an infectious enthusiasm to my employees, a confident dedication to my customers and board members, and a vow to myself to lead with passion.” It signals, sir, that you are a pompous, self-aggrandizing [redacted].
The piece also signals that the print edition of Inc may be joining its never very readable website in clickbait hell. The money quote: “…as a health care technology innovator intent on revolutionizing a multi-bn USD industry, I’ve come to realize that it’s far more important to be a visionary than a dreamer.”
As the kids would have said a generation ago: “Gag me with a spoon.”