Star Trek Beyond continues disappointing legacy of the films
Star Trek Beyond continues disappointing legacy of the films: Looking forward to Star Trek Beyond (trailer, run time 1:07)? Maybe you should curb that enthusiasm a little, at least according to New York Post’s Kyle Smith. After the film began its release on Wednesday (IMBD says it should have hit Egyptian theaters yesterday), Smith treated readers to a particularly biting review in “For the love of God, stop making ‘Star Trek’ movies.” Smith calls it “‘Seinfeld’ in space: a blockbuster about nothing” and “Star Trek Into Drowsiness” adding that the 2004-2009 TV series Battlestar Galactica was far better on a fraction of the budget. “The farther into the universe it ventures, the more it feels like it’s stuck in its own driveway.” While it’s not exactly news that the films aren’t all that great, the New York Times’ A. O. Scott has slightly nicer words to say, basically calling the film more of the same but that’s “not necessarily bad.”