Drones are worth USD 127 bn of human labor, says PwC
A new report from PwC suggests that drones can replace USD 127 bn worth of human labor and services across several industries, in particular infrastructure and agriculture, where the figure is estimated to be USD 77.6 bn. The report comes alongside PwC’s launch of a new service to help clients in construction and real estate development survey land and buildings using high-resolution cameras, sensors and geo-locational devices to spot any defects. It’ll start out in Poland, one of two countries with a comprehensive set of regulations regarding drone-use, with the other being South Africa. The bigger picture, however, reveals that activities such as completing the last mile of delivery, spraying crops, helping security companies monitor cites, checking on mobile towers and planning digs for mining companies are all likely to boost the prevalence of drones in our lives in the near future. Drones have already posed as replacements for soldiers, pilots and lifeguards, among other jobs that rely on combinations of human vision and judgment.