The Salomon bond trader who reshaped US-Saudi relations, and tracking how President Trump could come to pass
Depending on your mood today, you have two options.
Feeling upbeat and want some “inside baseball” reporting that combines finance and foreign affairs? We offer a time machine to 1974 with “The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret: How a legendary bond trader from Salomon Brothers brokered a do-or-die deal that reshaped U.S.-Saudi relations for generations.”
Already having a bad day? It could always get worse under President Trump. (Not that we love Hillary, but…) “With Donald J. Trump pulling even or ahead of Hillary Clinton in a series of recent national polls, the once unthinkable has become at least plausible,” the New York Times writes in its introduction to a solid package looking at the “battleground regions” that will ultimately seal his campaign’s fate.
(Meanwhile, physicist Stephen Hawking says he is “bewildered” by Trump and, elsewhere, Politico wonders, “Can the World Survive A Perpetually Combative President Trump?)