NTRA leaning towards renegotiating 4G terms with MNOs
Regulator leaning toward re-opening 4G talks with mobile network operators: The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) is reportedly leaning towards reopening talks with the three incumbent mobile network operators, all of whom rejected the original terms of its 4G license auction, sources tell Al Borsa. The NTRA is looking to avoid having to go through international arbitration proceedings and “potentially jeopardizing telecom investments in Egypt,” the sources added. The regulator will decide the fate of 4G today, after a committee weighing the NTRA’s options issues a recommendation. They include: (a) bundling the spectrum and making it available in an auction in which both domestic and international players could bid; (b) selling the spectrum directly to Telecom Egypt (TE), something MNOs feel is unlikely as it would open a whole new can of worms; or (c) re-opening talks with MNOs, who insist (publicly) that they’ve not asked to re-start talks. The MNOs have also refused to sign national roaming agreements with TE that would have allowed the state-owned giant to operate 2G and 3G services on their networks.