F*** Portlandia
F*** Portlandia: Our readers may recall being periodically bombarded by clips of Portlandia, and in particular its Feminist Bookstore skit, by a certain individual at Enterprise who consistently demonstrates a lack of regard to the fact that no one else wants to watch Portlandia, despite his (and some people’s) assertion that it is the best comedy on television. Following a decision reportedly made months ago and disclosed just this past Wednesday, the show’s stars, Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein, are going to have to find a new shooting location for their feminist bookstore owners Candace and Toni, as the actual feminist bookstore that served as the backdrop for the skit has severed all ties with the program.
The store’s management explains their reasoning in a post titled F*** Portlandia, which opens by noting that a particular day of filming left the store a mess and culminated in a volunteer placing a ‘F*** Portlandia’ sign in the store’s front window where it presumably remains to this day.
Maybe they didn’t appreciate being the butt of the joke for the past six years — or are they right that the show is actually causing gentrification? The management of the volunteer-run, donation-supported, non-profit feminist bookstore ‘In Other Words’ seems to have reached their breaking point, saying the “show has had a net negative effect on our neighborhood and the city of Portland as a whole… Portlandia is fueling mass displacement in Portland. Fred and Carrie are on billboards and realtors have gleefully begun using Portlandia’s popularity and insipid humor… to make displacing the communities that made Portland a great place in the first place something twee and whimsical for the incoming technocrat hordes.” (Watch Feminist Bookstore’s Intern, running time: 3:12, and or this clip whose title we cannot spell out, running time: 3:33)