If you’re between 36 and 51 this year, Goldman Sachs is showing you some love
Goldman Sachs says: “Hello, Generation X.” You love (or endured) the ‘80s and probably remember where you were the first time you heard “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Atari and Coleco were your PlayStations and Xboxes. You had an Apple I (or II or IIe or a Commodore 64 or a VIC-20). And unlike your kids, you were allowed to walk or bike to school without your parents’ giving it a second thought. After decades fawning over (first) the baby boomers and (lately) the Millennials, Goldman Sachs and their like have awoken to the fact that Gen-Xers — people aged 36-51 this year — are not just starting to change consumption patterns, they’re moving into leadership positions at companies and countries alike. Goldman’s most recent “Fortnightly Thoughts” focuses on Gen-X: Why the demographic matters, how they’re changing retail, why they’re more risk-averse investors, why they’re buying fewer cars and how to market to them, among other topics. You can hit the landing page (with a short video interview) here, or you can jump straight to the pdf here.