Human rights leads the conversation on Egypt in the foreign press
Human rights is leading the conversation on Egypt in the foreign press again. Last week’s detention of labor rights lawyer Haytham Mohamdeen and former political activist Mostafa Maher have sparked fears of a renewed wave of arrests targeting “peaceful dissent or individuals with a history of activism,” Amnesty International said in a statement. The statement came as President Abdel Fattah El Sisi pardoned 560 prisoners, many of whom were said to have supported the Ikhwan, Reuters reports.
Other stories making the foreign press this morning:
- Media freedoms: The government has been cracking down on foreign broadcasters working in the country, according to Al Monitor.
- Egypt has deported 33 Sudanese people who were arrested earlier this month while heading for Libya to then move onward to Europe, The Washington Post reports.
- Architects speak out: A group of architects are voicing concerns about the “alien style” of new urban developments in Cairo, Al Monitor reports.